Thursday, June 08, 2006

Best Friends Article


June 2, 2006

It is appropriate that the Louisiana Pet Evacuation bill, S.B. 607, has passed the state Senate unanimously without debate, as it should have. What is not appropriate is that SHANNON MOORE has died. Shannon, founder of Save our Pets and volunteer for other animal rescue groups, worked hard for the passage of this bill. She organized the rally on the Capitol steps that took place the day before the bill was first heard by the Senate Judiciary Committee. The picture that accompanies this story is of Shannon's dog at the rally. I remember she was so excited that a Best Friends Animal Society photographer had captured her dog at that moment.

Shannon worked on other fronts to organize support for this bill. She rallied rescue groups. She asked me and many others to help with a letter writing campaign she had started to generate support for the bill from the Judiciary Committee, the governor and the Finance Committee. Many of you may have used her sample letter posted on this site to write your own appeals for the Louisiana senators and governor to support this bill.

We will greatly miss her voice as this bill now goes to the Louisiana state House Judiciary Committee.

You may not know that Shannon was herself a Katrina survivor. She lost all of her possessions in Katrina. Though she had lost her home, she rescued and found homes for numerous stranded or abandoned animals in the aftermath of Katrina. At the time of her death Shannon and her organization were caring for literally hundreds of Katrina kittens. Shannon is another of the heroes, the unsung heroes, of Katrina.

As for the bill, for Shannon, for the animals, please write the House Judiciary members below and urge their support. Another hurricane season has begun. There is no more time.

For more information on Shannon's rally in support of the bill and the emotional hearing that followed, go to:
Thank you, Laura




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